In addition to the classic auctions, we offer our customers so-called online only auctions, which are also known as ‘timed auctions’. These auctions give you the opportunity to bid on a catalogue of objects and works of art only published on our website for a set period of time.

First login

In order to be able to bid in an online only auction, you need a verified customer account. If you don’t have a customer account yet, press the ‘Create Account’ button. Enter your first and last name, a valid email address and set a secure password. At this point you have the opportunity to view and accept the data protection guidelines and our General Terms and Conditions for Online Only Auctions (AGB Online Only). To complete the initial registration, you will receive a confirmation email from us with an activation link that you must press. Your account is now activated.

Verify customer account

If you would like to place bids via our website, you must verify your customer account. For this, we need additional information. Please provide a valid credit card (the card will not be charged), a current address and telephone number and a scan of a valid ID card, which you can upload using our upload function.
After having entered all of this data, your account is verified.

Bid Online Only

The start and end of an online only auction can be found on the auction overview page. As soon as the Timed Auction has started, you can place bids. Click the red ‘Place Bid’ button. This opens a window where you can find all the important information about the item you want to purchase: a timer showing the time left to bid, information about the item (artist, title, date), estimate, additional costs, the starting bid/current bid and a box where you can place your bid.

Place maximum bid

At this point you also have the opportunity to place a maximum bid. Select the amount from the list. This amount will automatically only be used up to the sum necessary to outbid all competing bids.

Place a binding bid

After having accepted the guidelines on the data protection regulation and our terms and conditions for online only auctions, you can press the button ‘Place a binding bid’. If you are the winning bidder, you will receive a confirmation email. If there is already a higher bid or a bid of the same amount that was submitted before yours, this will be signaled. You then have the opportunity to increase your bid. If you are and remain the highest bidder until the end of the auction, a legally binding purchase contract will be concluded after the timed auction has ended.

The three minutes rule

A competing bid placed in the last 3 minutes automatically extends the lot’s bidding period by 3 minutes. This extension will be repeated until no new bid is received over a period of 3 minutes or the bidding period has already been extended 40 times.

Automated Notifications

During the ongoing auction, you will be informed by automated emails whether you are the highest bidder or whether you have been outbid. To be on the safe side, please check the status of your bids on the overview page in your customer account.

End of auction – no post-auction sale

Immediately after the end of the auction, you will be informed by email about your winning bids. Additionally, you will find a list of winning bids and other bids in your customer account. You will receive the invoice by email one to two days after the end of the auction. Attached to the invoice, you will find the link to shipping instructions. Please choose one of the given options within 5 days after receipt of the invoice.

Collection and Shipping Options

Collection of objects must be notified to us at least 5 working days in advance, since works of art and design objects are not always in our showroom in downtown Munich, but are often in one of the auction house’s external warehouses.
More information on this topic can be found HERE.

If you have any questions about the process and procedure, please contact us on: +49 (0) 2151 154 6127